
Residential Services

Amazing Grace would be providing 24 hours quality care in a personalized setting that would always look like home; will reflect the individuals need, personal choices, preference, and lifestyle.

Day Habilitation Program

Amazing Grace Day program will assist individuals in learning some skills needed to participate in community living, life skills, community integration and most of all social skills.

The program would also provide a variety of life coping skills that would enhance their recreation and social life.

Personal Support

The personal support program would provide individuals with personal assistance in their own homes. The staff will engage the individual and teach them appropriate interaction with family at home and in the community; and this would include grocery shopping, transportation and every other activity stated on the PCP (Person Centered Plan). 

Supported Employment

Amazing Grace would connect individuals with a wide range of employment opportunities. These services would provide and maintain job, interviews, training, etc.

Every individual in the supported employment program has guidelines on the PCP to achieve every set goals.

Community Development Services

The program will provide a way of individuals developing skills and independence with staff support to be able to socialize in the community. The individual activities are based on the PCP. Major activities would include social skills, self-advocacy, community events, volunteering.

Currently, comfortable accommodation with all amenities to house the clients are available in the Baltimore area and its environs.

We promise to maintain our slogan and live up to expectations in serving our clients with all our “Hearts”.

We would like to become part of your healing and aging process. Call us today and we will work with you and/or your family member to assess your needs.